The rain, it raineth every day
I don't believe anything from you.Dont believe everything you read on the interwebs
I don't believe anything from you.Dont believe everything you read on the interwebs
Yep, don't get me wrong, DMing players to give them abuse is stupid and ineffective but, again, I'm sure it happens all the time. Pop them on ignore and the problem is solved. Delph needs to learn to put his ego aside from time to time, on and off the pitch.He was messaged directly though. It’s one thing to tag players in whatever but to directly message them is a bridge too far I think. I think what he’s said in reply is bad but he shouldn’t have fans messaging him in the first place. No need for it, we lost, we move on. Getting on the players backs especially one that only came on as a sub does no good for literally anyone. I’m not saying let them get away with it, by no means, but this isn’t the way to go about it at all.
As somebody else said earlier, forgive me ive forgotten now, its 2 wrongs and they never make a right.
At the end of the day only 1 of them is a professional footballer and really should know better tho.
The fanbase is not a forgiving sort and hes basically done here at this point.
Im particularly enjoying the Stephen French clips...
Hopefully this comes out and Brands can get rid of him this window.
Dreadful signing...
Some people stage false flag events in order to justify starting wars; others use them to get rid of unlikeable footballers.What if it's been faked? Then some so called blue has basically killed the guy's career at the club for a few social media likes
What if it's been faked? Then some so called blue has basically killed the guy's career at the club for a few social media likes
That's a good idea, can photoshop guy get on it a.s.a.p.please .Imagine it was Schneiderlain posting them tweets......Axe , Gallows , Guillotine....scenes
What do people expect? That you can send someone a direct message to their personal phone abusing them and have no blow back?
What should Delph do?