Terrible idea, have a few before and after. It does my head in at the theatre when there's a stampede at the interval, can't people go a couple of hours without a bevvy, flipping alcoholics.
I usually drive to home games, so tend to only have one before the game. I'm also not a lover of the ale on offer at Goodison.
I'll probably not drive when the BMD move happens and rely on the train instead, that being the case I wouldn't suddenly be getting 4 or 5 pints during the game just because I can if the the ale on offer was the same as it is now.
Genuinely don't see the problem though - if people want to have a drink, let them, we are just about the only country in Europe (that I'm aware of) who have this rule in place.
Been to domestic games in Italy, Holland, Germany, Czech Republic and Portugal. All of them allow you to drink beer at your seats, in none of these countries did chaos ensue. If you think we have a beer drinking culture at football in England btw, you want to go and watch a Bundesliga game with match-going German fans. Perfectly socially acceptable to have a can in your hand absolutely all times of the day (apart from whilst in the stadium) from leaving your house to returning home.
Agree with all that. It’s the throwing beer I don’t want to see.
….no strong feelings but initial thoughts are it not being the best idea. Somebody somewhere will throw a pint at a player on the pitch and it will be banned.
You must be a rs or manc tourist ??There’s no way I’m spilling my Prosecco.
It would be relatively easy to have a prohibition of sections above away fans.Its a crazy idea, for example the away end at Anfield, everyone above will be buying a pint with no intention of drinking it
Intervals are for tubs of ice cream, traditionalist me.Who doesn't pre-order interval drinks at the theatre?
You know you're going to want a drink then, just pay when you get your first.
Yeah by not allowing drinks in the seated area, its not difficult, if you want a beer stick to pubs and leave the stadiums to fans who want to watch footballIt would be relatively easy to have a prohibition of sections above away fans.
Funnily enough, my nose does seem to be getting redder.You must be a rs or manc tourist ??