I am a simple soul, with simple needs who needs things explained simply, so my questions are as follows:-
If the Pru/AIB loan has been repaid, why is the whole structure in place to facilitate it?
If the loan taken out last season from JG/RMF has been repaid, and a new charge registered for this coming year, why has the old charge not been removed at the same time - would make sense?
Why do we need the facility if FM has put the significant amounts of money in that are claimed?
You see, if Moshiri had put in the alleged 65(?) mil, the transfers are probably more or less self financing, the AIB loan stood at about 20 mil so that leaves 45 mil (allow for early repayment penalty, say 40m minimum. The JG loan was allegedly paid out of the PL payment in May so still 40mil working capital in the bank.
Suddenly, come August we feel the need to borrow or pledge our rights in anticipation of borrowing from RMF again which is a short term solution.
Sorry - I just don't get it.