I disagree. These were the days when clubs were striking media company deals with the likes of NTL, able to increasingly count on tv cash to improve squads, rich investors were beginning to take closer order and buy clubs outright and spend on them. It was the start of the boom and things looked very hopeful.
We, of course, blew it.
We cant be allowing Moshiri to sleep walk us down the Johnson route.
Oh for sure.
The 90s was the Klondyke for football and savvy clubs like United, Arsenal and Chelsea used it a springboard for their future success.
(contrary to popular opinion, Chelsea were already on the road to becoming an elite club by the turn of the century. They were winning cups, using players like Zola, Vialli and Gullitt and almost won the EPL circa 2001 before Roman came on the scene.....the late Matthew Harding was their visionary and was laying the foundations for modern day Chelsea whilst we were being ruined under Johnson)
What I am witnessing is a repeat performance under Moshiri.
When the first Sky/EPL gravy train pulled out the station around 1993 we were left stood on the platform as four teams we were on an equal footing with sat in the 1st Class carriage....four of the erstwhile “Big Five” to use the parlance of the time.
Under Johnson’s auspices.
The second gravy train has just been and gone and we are still stood there waving goodbye as a further two teams, which up until very recently could not match our league title victories if you combined their own, join the other four in what is fast becoming an unbreakable “top six”.
Only extremely bad management at one or more of those clubs is going to bring them back into the pack.
It is an absolute miracle this club has taken so long to reach the precipice Villa fell off.
But I fear we are edging ever closer to it