Comprehension, not sure you fully comprehend the damage Moshiri has actually done, it far outweighs any of the rubbish Kenwright said about Kirby and safty certificates....etc
There has been talk about a buy out, but this seems to be going nowhere for now, ask yourself why that is, its not because of damage Kenwright did but anyone with sound mind is going to look at where we are today and walk away, 6 years ago we were safe, right now the future is very scary and having a new stadium isnt going to solve that, ask Sunderland and Derby. In fact Moshiri has hurt us more then Johnson because doing it now, when so many other clubs have vast wealth is going to make it even harder to get back into the top 8 like Bill had us
All Moshiri deserves after what he did to Everton is a lifetime of poverty and unhappiness