Farhad Moshiri

7+ Years On... Your Verdict On Farhad Moshiri

  • Pleased

    Votes: 105 7.7%
  • Disappointed

    Votes: 1,259 92.3%

  • Total voters
I'm sure he'd love to, I just severely doubt that he can.

Even if our finances were rosy and we weren't strong candidates for relegation, his russian links mean western based buyers and financial institutions would be brave indeed to hand him a cheque. BDO basically refusing to associate with us tells the story well enough.

Factor in the on and off pitch chaos and sale becomes ever less likely.

I suspect the only way we end up with new owners in the short term is if we slide into administration and Moshiri forgoes any proceeds or debt recovery
The money washing vehicle has sunken to the sea!
The only thing that makes sense at this point is he hasnt had funding for a while, he sees relegation coming and rather than trying to fight like a man hes decided he will try and pocket what he can and get out. Im not sure you can find another rational explanation for the past 2 years
Probably a combo of sheer incompetence, Uzi being sanctioned and the ffp investigation.

There was no great need for commercial, financial or operational competence at board level, whilst Uzi was bankrolling. A footballing, fool’s paradise.

Get to BMD, job done. We’re in the money, kerching. Any finance needed in-between, would just be a never ending pipeline of ready Russian cash. BMD & FF naming rights, that’ll do nicely.

Eh, Uzi’s been sanctioned, wtf ? The premier league are on the phone and wanna see the books ? Kinnel lads, this isn’t in the script.

The Gray, Coady and Tarks deals probably convinced them that they could repeat another cheap and cheerful transfer window, to camouflage the truth.

Then Captain Cock-Up and his mate Harsh Reality paid a visit.

There’s probably a load more twists to come yet, in this story.
I had issues with Moshiri quite a long time, before a lit if other fans did, not to brag or anything. Ever since he came in we have been a disaster in and off the pitch. The decision to sell all those season tickets may now backfire coz if they don't get renewed, add to that those who want to go the odd game being less interested we are in a mess. Before Moshiri came in you knew who was making transfers happen, deciding on a player, it was Moyes then Martinez. Ever since Moshir came in nobody has a clue who is making the decisions.
He must sell. He has ran us into the ground, Usmanov clearly has pulled the money or has no way to get any in due to his sanctions.

Just please sell us, let us go, you can't fix this situation.

There was no great need for commercial, financial or operational competence at board level, whilst Uzi was bankrolling. A footballing, fool’s paradise.
There is always a need for competence, always and in every circumstance.

We have been run like a corner shop under Kenwright and as a circus under Moshiri.

This situation has been decades in the making.

You can see the results of good leadership at all levels of football, look at Brighton and Brentford.

The need for competence is even greater when money is being spent - spending it badly is far, far worse than having none to spend.
There is always a need for competence, always and in every circumstance.

We have been run like a corner shop under Kenwright and as a circus under Moshiri.

This situation has been decades in the making.

You can see the results of good leadership at all levels of football, look at Brighton and Brentford.

The need for competence is even greater when money is being spent - spending it badly is far, far worse than having none to spend.
Agree totally.

I wasn’t supporting that position. Badly making the point, that the board were suckered by the money, as if job done.
People who were worried about us selling to the Americans last year.

Would they have done any more damage to
this club than Moshiri has done over the last 12 months?

Genuine question btw.

The answer is no. The “asset stripping Yanks” completely made up narrative doesn’t work anymore either because that’s what Moshiri is doing to us right now.

The Whole Club or a new player, even a house or car - it takes a willing buyer and a willing seller.

Right this minute no player...even for daft money...would touch us with a 10ft pole, I mean you just wouldn't would you.

The Club ( like anything) is worth what somebody is willing to pay and at the moment you couldn't give it away in a luckybag.

So that leaves The Stadium, which probably still needs £3? £400mill throwing at it.
What then?
Who are you going to sell / rent it to?
Paint over all the blue with red and tout it to our loveable neighbours?

Tannoy bird speaks* Commence 'Operation FC St. Domingo 2023'

If Moshiri held his hands up, sold the club cheap and cut his losses then someone would come in and finish the stadium and improve the squad. Instead the money required to do that has to go to Moshiri first just to acquire the club. It makes no sense for a buyer.

As a businessman if you make huge errors for 6 years throwing your money away then you have to cut your losses, you can't expect your money back.
Some astute, brave posters like @Sapie88 and @EricDjembaDjemba called out Moshiri in his first year on stuff like this, and many of you hounded them off here. You know who you are.

In fairness to @davek, I don`t agree with a lot of his ramblings, but he`s been spot on about Moshiri almost from day one.
