The reason the Council have to fund the improvements is due to the fact they are the landowners and subsequently our landlord. So they fund the upfront cost of the work and increase the rental payments. The council will use what is called an Invest to Save model where by they use capital funds reserved for improvement works to pay for the work and in return make money which can be used to soften the blow of central Gov. cuts.
Once the lease period with the Council is up we will look to buy back the training ground.
2017 the next opportunity to purchase?
He's Rich,
He's Sound,
He's Gonna build a ground,
Moshiri, Moshiri ....
The most emphatic and complete answer I have ever read. WOW!emphatic it
You know things are looking up when you can't do refresh quick enough to keep up with all the exciting threads
He's Rich,
He's Sound,
He's Gonna build a ground,
Moshiri, Moshiri ....
This could actually catch on, simple and boss.He's Rich,
He's Sound,
He's Gonna build a ground,
Moshiri, Moshiri ....
My apologies to Toffeeslam. It appears I have ridiculed your post, when in fact I had meant to endorse it in relation to the two lettred response from The Esk and pressed the wrong button.The most emphatic and complete answer I have ever read. WOW!