In essence that is correct, it will have no effect, look at all the amnesties they have had, try telling Rhys Jones parents that they've had an effect. I hate guns like the next man but I cannot see how we can remove them from our society unless you match fire with fire. I admire you reliance on stats but as we all know they can be made to suit any argument at any time. In my experience it is what happens on the streets that counts at the end of the day and the public perception does not support the claimed stats in any way sadly
it has no effect? If we had the same free market and availability of guns as in America for the last few decades(the stats would probably be worse here due to the overpopulation of a small country and the amount of urban dwellers) we can extrapolate that 2450 deaths would have occured in England. Compared to a yearly average of about 50 - 60.
Its a mile from being an exact science but there is a difference between 2450 and 50 or 60 casualties a year. So what would we do? All the thousand killed by people who'd bought a 9mm on offer in Argos or Tesco. We just say to the families, monty said there's nothing we can do?
get real. you cannot reduce gun murders to zero same as you can't reduce gun possession to zero, but you can minimise both, which is the only sane policy. Using an emotive issue like Rhys Jones' parents opinion is just utter nonsense.
It is incredibly easy for the police to alter stats when it comes to crime, but harder when the crime involves a firearm. And these statistics come from the home office and the police force.
What you are missing is the role the media is playing on your minds perception of these things. It really isn't common. You think a story like Rhys would make national headline news in America? Nope. Its too common. Another kid killed on the street. It is reported here, because its still rare and shocking to the english psyche.
So effective is this blanket news coverage, with editorials about the facade (that should be fabric but I'll leave it in) of english society crumbling around our ears, that every sun, mirror, express and mail reader in the land believes "something should be done about it.", or "fight fire with fire" - which is always code for some form of draconian measure
this is not an excuse to go arming every household, every policeman, every pensioner because of it. Because the end product of guns in society is always, always, always more gun related deaths.
Look at Jamaica, look anywhere where they have an influx of guns, whereby the civilian population gets hold of guns. More deaths.
explain that.