TX Bill
Player Valuation: £80m
the gun control issue in America is much like the war on terror and pre-emptive strikes, the death penalty and pro-life and other such US policies (or potential policies) - they're aren't the real issue, they're symptomatic of the people.
Republicans usually increase the divide between the rich and the poor, making the poor yet poorer and the rich even richer - yet poor people regularly vote for them.
Its all down to the real fundamental problem. The education system combined with American culture. All that pledging alliegance and thinking America is the best in the world and beloved of all countries - coming out of school with a totally insular and myopic view of the world outside of your own borders, fed by the hollywood propaganda machine and total inability to think for yourselves
A terrible mix of feudal dynasty (I know we english can't criticise too much with a monarchy but...) and religion in politics, a huge chasm between those below the poverty line and the significantly rich, a media that is amongst the most tightly sewn up in the western world, as far as disseminating alternative political and cultural perspectives (though they would argue that is down to the market - i.e people like to tune in to listen to what they have been told is the truth previously) and more than likely the dumbest electorate in the western world bar none.
so yes, guns don't kill people they reduce crime.
We invaded iraq because Saddam WAS part of Al Qaieda and he was a brutal dictator. It WAS a humanitarian mission.
the USA is protecting the free west from lots of bad people. It DOES provide the blanket of freedom we sleep under each night (my favourite that one).
Invading iraq hasn't helped recruit more people into Al Qaieda. Nor has it turned a country where fundamentalism was brutally subdued into a religous fanatical hotbed of insurrection aimed at the west and a new hotspot of potential terrorist cells.
Jesus really was a jewish carpenter who became the son of god and preached peace (best ignore that) and his teachings helped distill part of the bible which is infallible and cannot be questioned, and is as relevant now in the age of the mobile phone, spaceship and nuclear weapon as it was in ancient judea.
Same as the US constitution cannot and should not be changed, cos evolution is a bad thing and them boys could predict events like columbine in their little crystal balls.
Same as intelligent design is a theory that hasn't been proven or disproven much like the theory of evolution.
Religion, politics, Imperialism, Capitalism and Nuclear Weapons really do go well together.
And we all sleep safer knowing america has the freehold on enlightenment.
Wow Leonbil, you really covered all the left wing talking points on that one. I really don't know what to say.
I'm guessing your not too fond of my country or anything associated with it then?