i can certainly show you one rubbishing freedom day, and championing every bugger and his dog still wearing masks.
Please do.
But, does it show me crying for a lockdown as you said?
i can certainly show you one rubbishing freedom day, and championing every bugger and his dog still wearing masks.
do you see a huge distinction between keeping the current restrictions, and lockdown?Please do.
But, does it show me crying for a lockdown as you said?
i can certainly show you one rubbishing freedom day, and championing every bugger and his dog still wearing masks.
do you see a huge distinction between keeping the current restrictions, and lockdown?
It's the first cousin of "Freedom Fries" and we all saw how that played out...What is Freedom day by the way??
Please explain what we are free from.
restrictions including social distancing and masksWhat is Freedom day by the way??
Please explain what we are free from.
restrictions including social distancing and masks
What is Freedom day by the way??
Please explain what we are free from.
right, and you are an idiotStill waiting for you to point out when i said we should still lockdown.
You can't!
Because you're full of crap.
lies? ok. So you join the list of balloon pedants a mile long on the internet. I confused current restrictions with lockdown, Big deal, it doesn't detract from the central point that we are being strangled by these restrictions and that we need to get out of it as quickly as we can.Freedom from your lies about me.
I will accept your apology.
I forgive you.
right, and you are an idiot
lies? ok. So you join the list of balloon pedants a mile long on the internet. I confused current restrictions with lockdown, Big deal, it doesn't detract from the central point that we are being strangled by these restrictions and that we need to get out of it as quickly as we can.
you wailed against the celebration of freedom day. So you by implication are in favour of keeping all of the current resttrictions including social distancing and masks. Now you may be happy in this little half way world, but most normal people are desperate to get out of it asap.At least I'm honest.
You can't back up your words.
Come on now " When did i cry for us to lockdown "
Also, when did i champion everyone to wear a mask?????
This virus has mutated to make itself more spreadable a few times now.
Its running rife currently and with people who are double vaccinated, so it might create a new variant.
Yet, some people when presented with this information just call them doomsayers or scientists for hire and would rather listen to the hacks of the Daily Mail and Telegraph who keep shouting for Freedom day and to rid ourselves of masks.