Ooohhhh, how profound, you brute!!
Wouldn't know about the Lisbon because I've never been. But as long as it's behind closed doors, then that's where it should stay.
Honestly, you'd think I'd called for gays to be sent to the gas chambers ffs.
I'm sorry for the lad who was killed. Being gay doesn't mean they deserve being beaten to death.
Do you know how much attacks on the disabled have risen and continuing to rise? All of it driven by hate-filled media campaigns, encouraged by Govt, the basis being that the disabled are blagging, and that they're all superman in reality.
What's done about it? Not a lot. How much noise is made on their behalf? Nowhere near as much as is made on behalf of the gay community. At least gays can (in general) defend themselves...
Don't see the MSM making things up about gays, neither. They're never portrayed negatively, but they think they are.
The unemployed & disabled are all 'doleite scrounging scum' , though. Don't see elton voicing his protests about it...