Alright then, fine. I'm Spanish(American). Born in Spain. Parents born in Spain. Grandparents born in Spain(Morocco probably). But I live in America. Hence, I'm Spanish-American(American), although those of us born in Catalonia tend to refer to ourselves as Catalan(American), and generally speaking people will refer to us as such when talking about us. Does independence concern me as much as it concerns my relatives who live in Spain? Probably not, but it's the attitude and opinion I've gotten from my parents who it also concerns. "Give me a child for his first seven years and I'll give you the man."
I follow Barcelona because it's the club my father and his father support(I have a passing interest in soccer and they win lots of things). It's not the easy option, it's the only one.
I can't tell you how to think mate so good luck. I just hope when you settle on your proper team that its one you get the most of, and that includes supporting them through tough times.