Getting old

Tbf though guys, it is a change of life, for the better I may say. Once you get past the can’t do what I used to do, or climb a long ladder, you begin to enjoy what you can do and take a far more relaxed view of life. All my friends are now retired and none of us would go back to our old lives of working like a dog, never seeing the kids or wife, paying mortgages or whatever…it’s liberating, enjoy it, it’s the best time of your life…..
Why don't we build a society where we can all do thus sooner? A society where we need less money because we want less stuff.

Its because tories would hate that - they need to gave more than the next man and that creates misery.

Eh Pete? Eh? Eh?
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PQs.. Press office lines... Jeez I need to win the lottery to get away from this shi£

The really salient thing about leaving was the lack of contact from those who would plague me looking for briefing, speeches, all last minute stuff, and barely a thank you.

After I left, these careerist self-centred greasy pole-climbers didn't give a flying flip. It was presumably "Right who took his job, and what is their mobile number" - and on goes the hamster wheel relentlessly.

Yes, I now love my reading, walking my dogs, tinkering with my classic cars, gardening and having nice quiet quality time with my beloved Mrs BR.

It is a cliche, but I now wonder where I got time to go to work!!

Sadly I saw too many colleagues who either dropped dead during their working lives, or died very soon after retiring, having insisted on seeing it out to the very end.

The machine will eat you up and spit you out if you are not careful family and self must be paramount!

Hairy ears - wtf is all that about? You wake up one morning and it’s like a badger has setup home in there.

You trim them and next day they’re back thicker and madder than ever.

This is why I have never let the barber go near my eyebrows. They are fine as they are but I know once trimmed they will quickly become like Denis Healey!!
How rubbish is it?

Spent all day yesterday doing jobs around the house, picking up kids toys mainly! Now my back is actual broken.

Also ive noticed that my sentence forming is getting worse, missing complete words off sentences, adding words that dont belong, just general derpisms that I never made in my younger days. I aint even gonna talk about the penis things.

Lets have a good old moan about getting old.

Young uns, pipe down.

When is it allowed to complain about getting old? I don’t like when someone says “this was 10 years ago” and I realize I was 15/16 at the time
Another one is height shrinkage, I used to be 4ft 11 but now I'm down to 4ft 10 1/4, when I loose that quarter I'm classed officially as a midget, suppose I can get a job in the pantomime at Xmas in Snow white
You'll never be dopey to me.

(the other one that sprung to mind was the song....)

You need a man cave and a classic car. My Mrs loves going on the classic car runs, picnic and all. I have a nice-sized mini fridge in my car garage which keeps certain brews nice and cool!!

I’ve got a 32 year old Golf Gti that my missus hates.

” It’s noisy, smells of old socks and other idiot’s want to talk to you about it, when ever we go out in it “
I’ve got a 32 year old Golf Gti that my missus hates.

” It’s noisy, smells of old socks and other idiot’s want to talk to you about it, when ever we go out in it “
More of an excuse to go out in it without her. On another note, there's a beautiful F reg one (grey/black GTi) at the top of my road that's immaculate.

EDIT: it's actually a cabriolet too.

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