I think 90% of the reported incidents are in people’s heads, they always seem to occur when people are asleep (if you look at the stats an overwhelming amount of them are people waking up) and I think a lot of them are people waking up and still half being in a dream. My uncle bought a house on penny lane years ago with my auntie who was from Glasgow, he moved into the house on a Thursday and she was going to come down on the Monday when it was all set up. He woke in the middle of the night to a man in old Victorian dress come into his room, sit on his bed. Then get up and walk out the room. He never told my auntie this happened and I don’t think they ever had any more incidents.
I used to work in a bar, one day I had to go down into the cellar to get a box of Bud Light to refill up a fridge. There was a hatch in the floor that led down to it. As I was about to come up another member of staff was at the hatch and asked me to change the Guinness. I went back down and put the bud in the middle of a keg to set it down. If you’ve seen a keg you’ll know there’s a massive metal lip around them an inch thick. I went to the other side of the room to change the Guinness and heard a massive crash. Turned round and the Bud was 10ft from where I’d left it, thrown against a wall with every bottle in it broke. Nobody else was down there and it didn’t fall off. The bar had a lot of things like that happen in it like nobody being in there bar 2 staff members and people having conversations with people in toilets that were never there.
I think those that are real are the blurring of different realities or rips in time. I think that’s why people always see things from the past. Nobody ever sees a “ghost” from the year 3056. I think some people are more in tune to it like psychics. My Nan was born in Germany, the night before anyone she loved would die she’d dream she was back on the farm she grew up on, no matter how fast or what direction she ran she couldn’t escape it. She’d wake up crying and know that somebody she loved had died. She’d wake up in a panic and ring around everyone she knew to work out who it was.