Im proud of my city too but it isnt about whose the better / more scouse. (Not directly saying that's what you're making out)
Its about a football club and in football terms Liverpool in footballing terms is their brand, its their name and its not something we need to be touchy over. People already know Everton are in Liverpool, we don't need stick it in our stadiums name just to say "look look were here too!". It would be a negative thing. As a proud scouser and evertonian I dont want us having our rivals name in our stadium when we simply dont need to, I'd rather we had our own name as stated above. Cowboy put it better than I did.
spot on, there's actually "no need" whatsoever to have the word Liverpool associated with our stadium. Everyone knows who we are, everyone knows what City we are from and that's good enough for me. I love the city of Liverpool too but when it comes to football it can basically swivel ( the name Liverpool not the city itself! )
All about the Everton!!