Player Valuation: £2.5m
Glad it's being given a spruce up. I hope they do something with the main stand side. I like going down county road and catching glimpses of it at the end of the streets.
They areGlad it's being given a spruce up. I hope they do something with the main stand side. I like going down county road and catching glimpses of it at the end of the streets.
I reckon they're gonna just leave it like that tbh.
I was at Goodison yesterday afternoon and all I can say is that from what I could see there was little work that had been undertaken.
At least to the naked eye. So with now less than two weeks before the season starts at home, I'm unsure how this is going to progress in time.
They are still waiting on planning and building control consents! Applications On-Line&SC=Applicant Name contains EVERTON FOOTBALL CLUB&FT=Planning Application Search Results&XMLSIDE=/PlanningExplorer17/SiteFiles/Skins/Liverpool_WIP/Menus/PL.xml&XSLTemplate=/PlanningExplorer17/SiteFiles/Skins/Liverpool_WIP/xslt/PL/PLResults.xslt&PS=10&XMLLoc=/PlanningExplorer17/generic/XMLtemp/u4qhka5r2i2igxvepvvfrpdm/ac8d3cd0-983e-4855-b5e0-45e4e9839bd2.xml
Application Number Site Address Development Description Status Date Registered Decision
16A/1558 Everton Football Club Co Ltd Goodison Road Liverpool L4 4EL To display 3 fascia signs, LED banner"welcome"sign. REGISTERED 27-06-2016
16F/1550 Everton Football Club Co Ltd Goodison Road Liverpool L4 4EL To re-clad existing facade and erect new tower structure, graphic panel and lighting.
REGISTERED 24-06-2016
Apologies, I assumed all that had been sorted when I read the original article. Shame really as it would have been nice to start the season with it.The planning consents haven't been approved yet mate.
Apologies, I assumed all that had been sorted when I read the original article. Shame really as it would have been nice to start the season with it.
Does anyone (implying yourself or the @The Esk) have an idea how the logistics of completing these works will now be affected by the season?
Are we looking at happening next year then or can we expect work to be completed during the season?
Seems strange how we could be in a new stadium in 2 years, but wait an age for planning consent on a bit of cladding.Ignore Damo, we dont need planning permission.
Maybe so. Either way I saw very little noticeable progress apart from the removal of a few of the exterior displays.Ignore Damo, we dont need planning permission.
Which will be exactly why work is well underway.The planning consents haven't been approved yet mate.
Maybe so. Either way I saw very little noticeable progress apart from the removal of a few of the exterior displays.
Open your eyes. Look properly.I was there Friday mayself, said the same thing.
Open your eyes. Look properly.
So you didn't see the scissor lift with the fellas fitting the light columns and cladding fixings to the side of the main stand? Or the fellas on top of the main stand feeding cabling through for the light boxes?I did, I saw loads of fellas in hi vis just walking around.
So you didn't see the scissor lift with the fellas fitting the light columns and cladding fixings to the side of the main stand? Or the fellas on top of the main stand feeding cabling through for the light boxes?
Shall I carry on lad?