I've not gone for a run in a so long, as I've been rather busy with uni and would like to rest...
Measured myself to be 12 stone 10.5 this morning (~81kg, ~178lbs). Started at 14 stone (~89kg, or 196lbs) in the end of January, which is quite decent and am happy with that. My aim is 12 stone to 12 stone 2-3 in a while, or to gain some upper body muscle and remain at about what I am right now (or down to 12 st 8 or so). Will see if I can sort it out when I get to Bulgaria over the summer, like. Cheaper gyms and also have some equipment...
Thing with me is that I have quite big legs and it just looks weird right now, and I don't really know what to do about that ffs. Doing some exercises here, but still feel very unhappy with my body and feel like I'm more or less disgusting. The fact that I have no money to get myself some dumbbells and whatnot right now is also bringing me down a bit...
I'd still say that's good progress, however, as I am achieving my desired weight relatively quickly...
It would be handy to know your height, as bodyweight without height is kinda irrelevant
Are your legs big because you're carrying body fat there, or big because they are muscular? Those are two very different things. You need to stop using words like 'disgusting' to describe your self, that kind of negative body dysmorphia will do you no good and you really should never refer to your self with that kind of terminology.
If your legs are muscular, then I would stop worrying unless you've got aspirations to have a sex change and become a cat walk model. If you're carrying fat on them, switch to a ketogenic diet, which is pretty much the only way you'll be able to add muscle and decrease body fat at the same time
You don't need dumbbells, they're the last thing anyone needs to buy. They're a nicety rather than a necessity.
If you want to start with the basics, plump some cash on a barbell, you can find some really cheap ones online. And then buy your self some plates, couple of 20kg plates, a pair of 10kg plates, two 5's, and 2x 2.5kg plates. All of that should cost you about the same as a couple of months gym membership in most gyms.
Buy a doorway chin up bar, and perform 10 sets of X reps (building up to 10x10). do that twice per week, with 3 to 4 day gaps between the work out. Rest no more than 60 seconds between sets. Maybe start off by doing 10 x 1 rep, and progress to 10x2 etc until you find your limit. Once you can hit 10x10 with bodyweight, buy your self a belt that you can hang weights off.
Add in the same protocol on overhead presses, 10x10 with a 60 second rest 2x per week.
Finally either do some dips, or some floor presses if you don't have a bench. Again 10x10 with 60 second rest. You'll need someone to hand you the bar when you do floor presses.
Three exercises, 10x10 on the rep scheme, 45- 60 rest, and you should add some noticeable size in no time. This is a tried and tested method that started in Oly weightlifting, where lifters would have a couple of months off season training and would need to move up a weight class. Normally you'd be squatting too, but you've already expressed that you don't want to add any size to your legs.
Do the routine for two months, and then switch to something else.