He's been a paid employee for more than a few years and recently a well paid Director, but he'd have to be pretty dim not to see what's been going on before his eyes.
I presume he has a family, house, all that stuff and he has a job that pays for it,
I've know plenty of middle management too, who have put in 20+yrs of taking the money, doing what they're told and passing crap down the line.
They all...as far as I know...live with it - why should he be any different.
I've also seen a few redundancies, sometimes there's an attempt at cost cutting first and some go down the road, then as now, basically unemployable at 55ish
Or 'The Big One' hits right away and everybody goes down the road.
Sharp is 62, if he was really, really, arsed he would've bailed by now, he isn't, so he won't.
Until 'The Big One' hits.