what an upside down world we live in when a RS we hate , whose more famous amongst us for spitting at kids than the trophies he’s lifted and wouldn’t be able to walk through our fans without being given the height of abuse does more to protect and defend those fans than 99.9% of the men we’ve hero worshipped for decades.
All these fellas that had their names sung , cheered to the rafters , glad handed when they’re seen, offered drinks in bars , over priced tickets bought to see them retell recycled stories and the opportunity to buy a cheap Signed photo for £50 , they All seem incapable of opening their collective mouths. As the National and international media battered and demonised the fanbase us barely a whisper , with the noteable exceptions , as so many have sought to find excuses and exclaim “what can they do “. Then on the biggest broadcaster an ex RS who usually trolls us for fun and mocked our star player last year calls out the board for demonising an entire fanbase whilst challenging and questioning the conduct of those running the club
I hope a lot of ex players saw that and felt embarrassed, I suspect they’ll care not a jot as it feels like you couldn’t redden most of their necks with a blowtorch .