My battery is flat. The frequency of puns has reached a negative, I fear this condition is terminalI tip my hat at your capacity to keep this going.
My battery is flat. The frequency of puns has reached a negative, I fear this condition is terminalI tip my hat at your capacity to keep this going.
There was a great 99% Invisible podcast about thisThe world’s longest burning lightbulb has been going since 1901
Centennial Light - Wikipedia
I don’t know if there’s a specific reason that these type bulbs weren’t in widespread commercial use other than to make more money ...
yes, he appears pretty amped about the subjectI tip my hat at your capacity to keep this going.
This pun-off was stone cold. You should be charged for trying to resurrect it.yes, he appears pretty amped about the subject
You and @tsubaki might know about this. I understand why the first bomb was dropped after the fierce defence of the Japanese islands but why was the second bomb dropped on Nagasaki?Hiroshima was bombed seventy-five years ago today when the 'Enola Gay', named after Col. Tibbit's mother, alongside The Necessary Evil' and 'The Great Artiste'.
The city was the home to the HQ of the Second Army and was a major hub for the defence of the Japanese homeland, so was chosen as a military target.
MentalistsThey hadn’t surrendered.
An early use of nitrocellulose was to make snooker and pool balls. You can imagine the scenes in a wild West saloon when the balls became old and unstable and exploded if struck hard with another ball.nitrocellulose is the propellant used in many ballistic 'missiles'...including bullets
Some sections of the army were even planning a coup to take over from the Emperor after he had the 'temerity' to surrender. He only did so because of threats to nuking Tokyo.even after the second one there was a proper go at a coup to keep fighting
edit: a wiki article on it:
Kyūjō incident - Wikipedia
as you say, mentalists; though the postwar fight back against that lunacy did lead to many of Japanese cinemas greatest films