Group A: Germany, Scotland, Hungary, Switzerland

Or maybe going for someone not bricking it as much as Clarke is as next manager.

No way that the player pool in Scotland is worse than Hungary/Slovenia, etc. - if you don't play to anyone's strengths - you don't win. They have some quite decent players, some of those play in the Prem and do well (or are at least average in the Prem, which is already better than someone in Hungary playing for a local team), who got on the pitch and had no idea what to do somehow.

As @Abertonian said above - they played some good direct footy while qualifying, but forgot all about that in the last few friendlies for literally no reason and went ultra defensive. Scored goals at least in just about any game and any opposition, had shots - went to the tournament proper and that went out the window too. Didn't help that Gunn had a stinker in literally every game too tbh.
I think bricking it is deeply ingrained in British football culture. Same with England. Quite a lot of conservatism when it comes to how to approach games. A general rejection of anything beyond basic tactics too by the look of it.