Pep got respect by turning a side that had won utterly zip the previous year into an unprecedented treble-winning side that is still considered one of the best teams ever. Most of that team were youth players and B team promotees
He certainly fine-tuned one of the best sides in Europe at the time into the best. Something he deserves credit for.
But they play the most difficult brand of football.Depends if a manager wants respect. Mourinho got respect by turning a side costing a packet of fags into European Champions. Pep hasn't, and most likely will not in his career.
Pep deserves credit but certainly not respect. Nobody in their right mind would hold him up there with the very best, you'd have to possess the attention span of a gnat if you did.
He turned them into the best side in Europe. They finished 3rd the season before.
What about them?Porto.
They reached the semifinals of the Champions League the season before, and were unlucky not to reach the final. They dominated United in the semifinals.
I paid attention to Barca under Pep and was fascinated by it, almost a fan boy like obsession, so I'm coming to my judgment that until he turns a small-medium sized outfit into the best (or at least one of) on a comparatively small budget compared to the competition that he deserves credit but no more than that from a positive perspective.
Depends if a manager wants respect. Mourinho got respect by turning a side costing a packet of fags into European Champions. Pep hasn't, and most likely will not in his career.
How did you get worth so much so quickly?I agree.
Stony is big