Happy Final Pay Day;

Best wishes to him. Unfortunately didn’t work out but hope he can continue on his journey to try and work through and find some form of recovery/peace from his trauma and get back to playing football again if that’s what he wants.

No idea what’s gone on behind the scenes regarding his contract, for all anyone knows he did take a reduction, best not to make assumptions about someone when the facts aren’t known. Which coincidentally everyone did without understanding about his trauma.
Not sure how petty it is to pick up a huge wad of money ,not be in the reckoning to do the job your getting fabulously rich for.
Use all the facilities on offer, take advantage of a club who quite clearly is struggling to keep afloat. No ,imo that isn't petty, I'd like to think he might have agreed to a reduced wage !, ....doubtful though. Very rich man before he came here, getting more rich for very little or no return whatsoever.
Showed more interest in going down to watch Spurs than showing up on the last day at Goodison.