So Patrick supposedly chased snakes out of Ireland… even though there were none there to start with ….. George supposedly slayed a dragon… even though there’s no such thing… you guys really need to up your game to be taken seriously
Patrick never claimed in his writings to have banished snakes. The story is pure legend and was probably influenced by the story of the serpent in Genesis as symbolising the darker side.
More likely the 'snakes' represented the ending of heathen practices with the spread of Christianity - incidentally Christianity was not introduced to Ireland by Patrick, although he certainly can be credited with making it widespread throughout the country.
The hermitage on Skellig Michael (Star Wars location btw) was ordered to be built by Aristobulus who had been appointed as bishop to what is now Britain by St Paul (1st century).
Palladius was made a bishop in 431 and was sent to Ireland by the Pope to minister to Christians
already living there. particularly in the Leinster, Munster and the centre of the country.
St Patrick is believed to have been born in the late 4th century, was kidnapped from Britain at the age of 16, escaped home after 6 years but then had a vision and a call to return and begin his missionary activity to the Irish. Most of his work was in the northern half of the country, but his subsequent followers are believed to have played down what was already established, and maximised ghis own impact. Dates are uncertain but he is believed to have died c 460-472 .
There is no doubt about the quality of his writings which show a keen intellect and humility.
St Patrick's Breastplate (Christ beside me, Christ before me...) is a superb prayer and has been adapted as a hymn that is used in the Christian Churches.