Trying to return upstream in a boat you've spent 3 days painting in squall conditions. A hire boat with 2 happy but inexperienced boaters are operating a lock as I approach. The left hand gate is open. "I'm going in on the left" He announces and in he goes. (I'd have gone in through the left gate and then over to the right of the lock so the other boat could just slip in) I'm holding water hoping his gormless partner nips over and opens the right hand gate so I can get in ... as boaters do. She doesn't. Just stands there by the open gate. So I moor up and open the gate myself before going in, by which time their boat is drifting diagonally across the lock ready to hit mine.
I grimace. We get through it with me explaining what to do. Their boat hits mine again and they're off. At exactly a speed between my tickover and a higher speed where the cam on my control won't sit, wobbling all over the place.
I eventually overtake and end up at the next lock after a very narrow stretch with fast moving water and a strong weir stream KNOWING that when they catch up, if I don't get into the lock and away, they'll crash into me on the bend.
I share the lock with a fella who's there before me ... an experienced boater. Relief. I turn around and who's caught up ... "will three fit in there?" they cheerily shout. Will three shoes fit in a shoebox? And what's that coming out of the lock straight towards my glossy new paint on this bend by a strong weie stream? Another hire boat.
So in a word .... hire boats. Actually that's two words, but who cares. I've just walked 2 miles across a baking wheat field and a busy A road to get to a pub until I don't care anymore.