The rain, it raineth every day
And, another one, shocking :
And, another one, shocking :
And, another one, shocking :
But also, only an arrogant imbecile would try to invade Russia and not take into account what happened the last time an invading army tried it.One of the most astounding parts of the war is how Red Army was so unprepared for German attack in 1941, yeah, yeah, Stalin expected/hoped for rerun of WW1 and Germans and French/Brits mauling each other for years.
But after fall of France i genuinely don't understand how Stalin didn't prepare better for what was coming, writing was on the wall, fricking Hitler had his entire plan printed in Mein Kampf years earlier about Slavs "untermensch" and Generalplan Ost (genocide of Soviet population). Your intelligence warned him, his spies warned him, but he still didn't believe it.
Who probably then just sat back and watched their men massacre each other in their names...Meeting between King Henry VIII and Emperor Maximilian von Habsburg before Battle of the Spurs against French, 1513
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The collapse of empires and the creation of nation states.Warsaw-Russia
Lemberg (Lviv), Trieste, Budapest- Austria
Salonica (Thessaloniki), Sofia- Turkey
Oh how things change
Makes you think! We may have reached full capacity right now?1854.