@Joey66 can you translate this?
I had a go, but fell asleep after reading the first paragraph.
@Joey66 can you translate this?
Saying nothingI had a go, but fell asleep after reading the first paragraph.
Has it got a title yet?Well, that's why I asked. My sarcasm detector was firing on all cylinders, so he had to give me a good answer for me to take the question seriously.
He didn't, so that answered that.
In a spiritual and moral sense, but not a physical one. Global warming has started apace, but the world hasn't gone to hell in a handbasket yet.
Has it got a title yet?
This requires context. The answer to that one is found about 2/3 of the way in. A full answer doesn't land until 3/4 to 4/5 of the way in.
You should release it on the 6th, for a pure head mess.
Sounds interesting
Booo.Sadly, I don't get to control that one if I go the traditional route. Like other media, books tend to come out on a fixed day of the week. The publisher will make that call.
What's your take on magners and ice-cream?Never seen it mate. And don't know who Groucho is, so no idea why you think I'd hate him. I'm sure he's a thoroughly pleasant chap.
Any works or novelists you'd cite as an influence?
Sorry mate, could you repeat that again?You wildly missed the point.
If you just leap to the conclusion that the idea is wrong on the basis of your priors, you miss things. My father is better at that one than I am, because he hasn't stuffed as many books into his head. I find those sometimes get in the way.
You missed the point about "what it does to us" as well. Doing these sorts of things crosses people's minds. Trump is an existence proof on that, as @LinekersLegs pointed out. It's that if we really consider the idea, normal human beings discard it. Trump either didn't really think about it, isn't a normal human being, or both.
The game theory I did taught me, in no uncertain terms, that what happens down pathways that never actually happen is often really important to the final outcome. I don't know that I can give you the intuition on that one in a reasonable number of English words, though. I know that it's impossible to grok without the math.
Cider's alright. Don't really eat ice-cream cos it's too unhealthy and hurts my teeth.What's your take on magners and ice-cream?
Sorry mate, could you repeat that again?
Never seen it mate. And don't know who Groucho is, so no idea why you think I'd hate him. I'm sure he's a thoroughly pleasant chap.
Source Code is great if you're a Gyllenhaal fan. Also got Michelle Monaghan and Vera Farmiga in, who are both great.
I really like Source Code. Similar concept to EoT, but less sci-fi. Jake Gyllenhaal and Vera Farmiga both great.
Oh my god they both like Sauce Code!Sorry mate, my mistake. Phil liked it though.
Just for the record, I liked Phil.