I’m checking back now mate and believe it is was not nice resulting in a permanent ban which says it all really. This was one example, I’m still not through it all yet but it was very unsavoury. Permanent exclusion from the forum forever was a just decision.I’ll be honest, I’ve forgotten the incident entirely.
I’m checking back now mate and believe it is was not nice resulting in a permanent ban which says it all really. This was one example, I’m still not through it all yet but it was very unsavoury. Permanent exclusion from the forum forever was a just decision.
Ah I remember now.I’m checking back now mate and believe it is was not nice resulting in a permanent ban which says it all really. This was one example, I’m still not through it all yet but it was very unsavoury. Permanent exclusion from the forum forever was a just decision.
Very distasteful that wasn’t a one off moment of madness it looked like long standing nasty feelings.Wow that really isn't very kind. Looks like gaslighting to me
If he is back I will alert you mate.Ah I remember now.
The senility is slowly clearing.
what is your novel about? Is it available?
If you work on the basis that it’s his site and we are merely tolerated guests then you can assume he is right….
Your novel is about sci-fi or is it a sci-fi themed novel?Sci-fi, not yet (short a chapter and a half), debating self-pub vs. traditional route. Currently working on placing stories with the traditional magazines to help make that decision.
I am pleased you handled it with such grace mate. I am sure he will not try and sneak back on due to the permanent ban but mostly out of shame.
Lockdown and cheap booze mateMind you he’s been a member for 14 years, strange he went off on one…
Your novel is about sci-fi or is it a sci-fi themed novel?
Decaying dystopian wastelands?Science fiction novel. Starts about five years from now, runs for a bit, so near-future variety.
I can't answer that without your definition of 'clever', in context. That could mean a lot of things, given the lack of context.
Thread-ception at it's finestThis is thread within a thread within a thread.
Re-read it using this
Decaying dystopian wastelands?