How knowledgeable is the Goodison crowd?

What's your take on match going bloos?

  • Savvy - Know the game inside out and see the nuance that others don't

    Votes: 18 26.9%
  • Blinkered - The most sensible choices will be booed if player X is involved

    Votes: 9 13.4%
  • Clueless - They willingly pay loads to watch Everton so clearly have poor judgement

    Votes: 12 17.9%
  • Bedwetters - Every little bump in the road is a disaster and things have never been so bad

    Votes: 17 25.4%
  • Poseurs - They just want to say I was there for Goodison's last game / BMD first game

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Sociable - It's not actually about the game is it? It's the social occasion

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • HappyClappers - Here's my dough Farhad, keep serving up the dross

    Votes: 5 7.5%

  • Total voters
Not at all. I'm merely pointing out a possible contrary position to the "You even go the game lad?" rhetoric sometimes posted on here.

More Devil's advocate than sneering. It's all about the conversation - some of my best friends are ST holders.
I do have a problem when these telly clappers use goodison slang like “park end daas” on here though, they haven’t been threw the struggle
The people who fail to recognise that just about everything at the football club right now is rubbish also drive me insane. Our goal this season, once again, is to stay up and move into the new stadium as a Premier League football club. It's embarrassing how that has become our only aim for the season given our rich history and enormous fanbase, but that's just the way it is. The Moshiri era has well and truly caught up with us and we're now paying the price for the countless mistakes we've made over the last 8 years. Again, end of story.

Yes. An acknowledgement of the state of the club and tempering short term expectations appropriately isn't the same as condoning serial failure.

But some seem to think that acknowledgement of fact is a betrayal of Nil Satis Nisi Optimum and a seal of approval for how the club has been ran into the ground. Not sure it's in any way exclusive to sofa fans or match goers though.

What was the crowd make-up like? Regulars or a high proportion of people taking advantage of rare availability for a game at Goodison?

Not a regular myself anymore matey so I couldn't honestly answer that, was a,season ticket holder with my son, but shift work can be a swine for going to games regulary. Thought the atmosphere was pretty good tbh, not toxic at all. Frustration at our lack of the ball crept in and our pressing was pretty poor as well. Southampton set out to frustrate and did their job so well it bored the arse off me at times, I could not watch them every week believe me.
The only thing I think we need to be careful of guys is where we build a big Geordie echo chamber where only the angriest speak on our behalf in a weird online performative rage act and then we lose sensible discourse to the thickest entitled self interest fans amongst who angle the narrative that the fans are the best and untouchable so their own child like behaviour is beyond scrutiny guys.

I’m sure we wouldn’t let that happen guys.
Dyche's substitution against Southampton certainly riled the crowd and he's not the first manager who's triggered that reaction. Ancelotti was not shielded entirely from criticism despite a CV that identifies him as GOAT material. Even the great Howard Kendall was questioned by the (stayaway) Goodison faithful.

Why is it that paid professionals with a lifetimes experience in the game seemingly make decisions that are quickly identified as obviously incorrect by people who haven't spent so much as a day on the books of even a semi-pro side?

Do match going blues have an intrinsic knowledge of the game garnered by a lifetime in the Park End? Or could we question the wisdom and even self-worth of people who habitually pay an extortionate sum to sit in hard plastic seats, in freezing weather, drinking overpriced hot brown water masquerading as coffee while watching and groaning at millionaires such as Michael Keane and his ilk repeatedly failing to perform to even a below middling standard?

I'd be interested as 'going the game' is often perceived by some as giving elevated status to themselves in terms of opinion and knowledge. On the other hand that willingness to be borderline extorted for such poor returns could indicate a lack of critical thinking skills thus ironically rendering their opinions and knowledge questionable at best.

The cry of 'Nil Satis Nisi Optimum' and calls for protest could be viewed as incompatible with directly funding those who repeatedly fail couldn't it? Or are those match going blues the ones who are making their voices heard unlike us keyboard warriors?

What's your take on the match going Super Bloos GOT?
There might be a sensible conversation to be had here, but you've completely ballsed up your opener if that was your intention.

If you don't recognise that you get a better idea of the game when you're there, where you can look at everything the camera isn't showing you, then I'm not sure you've grasped the terms of the debate, either.
A lot of the people booing subbing our striker for Ashley Young whilst chasing a win have spent tens of hours of their own time (travel/pre match etc.) and hundreds of pounds on entertainment in the last few weeks to see us get stuffed twice, beat Doncaster and then give up three leads in a row and turn them into losses.

This is not entertainment, they have every right to vent their frustration as long as it’s not overly aggressive/racist/etc. and I’d argue anyone who isn’t massively frustrated with the start of our season has stopped caring which is probably more sad.

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