Confirmed Signing Idrissa Gueye

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I'm uncomfortable with us signing a player who has twice refused to participate in match during which clubs and players show their support for the LGBTQ+ community in the fight against harassment and persecution and right to express their sexual identity.

Given the rising number of homophobic attacks in Liverpool and also the continued stigma attached homosexuality in football, I think it is actually quite a big issue and something we should all consider.

Imagine you're footballer who is still not public about their sexuality due to fear and someone in the dressing room refuses to support your right to express that without being subject to abuse? Wouldn't be nice.

Looking into it far to much. He hasn't even come out and said he's against anything he's just not wore a shirt.

Being a bit of a drama queen here.
i expect he will. why wouldnt he? the difference is if he were to be told by EFC that `we wear arseless chaps and go to Gay Pride events every other week` he would be within his rights to decline
correct , unless it's in his contract

so because Gueye didn`t tow the progressive politics agenda you think he`s homophobic? Zaha didn`t take the knee because he knew BLM was a scam, if he was white he would`ve been slaughtered for it. LGTBQ is bogus too and maybe Gueye knows it as well

Totally different thing let's be honest.

He's a good player and we probably need him but let's not try and completely forget the fact he CHOSE to not be available to play in games because he didn't want to wear a number on his back that supported the LGBT+ community.

The whitewash of it is something that we accuse other clubs of doing. Not us.
Because the influence on society is greater. You average person the street isn't influenced by the decisions made by ASDA and their employees. Footballers are generously rewarded for that.

Also, I think if an organisation was holding an event to against homophobia and an employee refused to take part there would be repercussions. In most contracts there is a few lines on company ethics, reputation etc.

The Equality Act states that an employer is responsible for the behaviour of its employees.

Under the Equality Act 2010 harassment refers to "unwanted conduct which violates someone’s dignity or creates an intimidating, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment.

By refusing to condemn homophobia, I imagine there could be a case for that being conduct outlined above.
Venerated and reputable Muslim scholars argue that homosexual behavior is forbidden in Islam, thereby disqualifying those who do engage in it or support it from still being considered Muslim. For a devout Muslim this is clearly an imporant consideration. Fortunately for Gueye, he lives in a western society that allows uhim the freedom to choose to follow his religion. Equally given that his choice was personal, anyone looking to shut him down for peacefully following the tenets of his religion might be viewed as Islamophic. I am sure that you are not intentionally being Islamophobic but your obsession with him not wanting to wear a shirt does look concerning.

The fella is a great football player, he is incredibly charitable in his private life, he is religious and from a deeply religious community and has family still living in Senegal. He is not acting aggresively toward anyone nor is he telling people what to do as you seem to be. You might want to reflect upon this.

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