I was just using Gbamin as a further example of what I was talking about, hardly 'banging on'. If you don't see why believing what the club says is not assuming the worst or putting a negative spin on things, then i'm afraid I can't help you. I could probably arrange for you to get 10 superbloo points though if you want.
Allright LAD carry on living in dreamworldAlright lad, no need for the pure moody sarcy comments.
You’re free to think what you want, enjoy the constant cynical negativity!
Allright LAD carry on living in dreamworld
I mean I literally said I don’t feel that way lad but I won’t laugh at people who do lad. But no worries lad, I won’t be sarcy by asking if you can read lad.Alright lad, no need for the pure moody sarcy comments.
You’re free to think what you want, enjoy the constant cynical negativity!
I mean I literally said I don’t feel that way lad but I won’t laugh at people who do lad. But no worries lad, I won’t be sarcy by asking if you can read lad.
There isn't much point of having this bloke is there?
What is it??..... £200K a week no show?
Mate I’m just messing about but you really don’t appear to have actually read any of my posts and instead keep having a go at me ‘banging on’ being ‘moody’ and being ‘negative’ while simultaneously making out like I’m the one being unreasonable in the discussion. It’s a bit weird really but no worries, it’s an Internet forum and not everything is serious.Are you literally about 13 years old or something? Get a life haha!
140k a week.There isn't much point of having this bloke is there?
What is it??..... £200K a week no show?
Of course we are but a lot of players get a free pass because they work hard.Pipe down with the drama queen antics!
Are people not allowed to be disappointed with him being missing without it turning into “smelling blood”.