2020/21 James Rodriguez

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People on line seem to be having a right go at him.
Does anyone know if he asked to sit the game out or was told to?
Seems pretty obvious that, unless he's fully fit, he's a defensive liability.
There's a reason he cost nothing.
We should be grateful for the few games we have him rather than frustrated at those we don't.

Don’t get this ‘be grateful’ attitude toward him. He’s not that great - he’s been effective in about 10 games, we pay him over 100k a week. Yes he’s a good player but people need to realise there are an abundance of top top players in this league.

Everyone on here would say Bale has been a monumental flop at Spurs this season, well he’s scored 14 goals. More than double that of James.
Our fans acting like he's a bird who's binned you off for a fitter fella, giving it the ol' "she was an ugly tart anyway", while secretly crying and rubbing one out to his Instagram pics and YouTube compilation videos.

We have had the pleasure of watching a player who still has the X factor. We all wish he could have played 38 games, but we knew that was never going to happen.

If he leaves at the end of the season (nothing suggests he will), I'll be disappointed. If he stays, I'll be made up.
Don’t get this ‘be grateful’ attitude toward him. He’s not that great - he’s been effective in about 10 games, we pay him over 100k a week. Yes he’s a good player but people need to realise there are an abundance of top top players in this league.

Everyone on here would say Bale has been a monumental flop at Spurs this season, well he’s scored 14 goals. More than double that of James.
Yea, perhaps 'grateful' was a bit much. I just don't see the point in being disappointed with his return or attitude.

Don’t get this ‘be grateful’ attitude toward him. He’s not that great - he’s been effective in about 10 games, we pay him over 100k a week. Yes he’s a good player but people need to realise there are an abundance of top top players in this league.

Everyone on here would say Bale has been a monumental flop at Spurs this season, well he’s scored 14 goals. More than double that of James.
I'm grateful that he can pass a ball forward to a teammate fairly often. Sometimes I forget what it looks like.
So who do you want?

Sigurdsson and Gomes have made the team the majority of games this season.

To be successful, you need to have creativity and talent, which is what James has. When you get a player of his calibre, you do everything within your powers to put talent around him. Make him have to work less, so he makes magic.

Build your team, and have him as an asset. Or have a team of Gylfi and Sigurdsson, Delph etc because that's apparently "sensible", and hasn't gotten us very far, has it?
If he's out half every season, then this is EXACTLY what you DO NOT do!

It's either that or retire.

Can't express how disappointed I am by him. I can understand injuries, but I honestly doubt he's had a single actual injury during his time here and instead he's just cherry picked his games. For him to cry off the only home game fans could have seen him play in person due to "fatigue" is inexcusable. Very hard to come back from that.
no, why?
should i be irrationally annoyed that a world class but injury prone player was rested by the manager because he felt it was more important to have him fully fit for the city game?
I think fans who are grateful that a player like James deigns to grace us with his presence whenever he feels like it but can't be arsed , despite his huge salary to support his teammates when he feels a wee bit tired are far too easily satisfied.
The minimum that we should expect from these overpaid players is 100% commitment.
no, why?
should i be irrationally annoyed that a world class but injury prone player was rested by the manager because he felt it was more important to have him fully fit for the city game?
By the way are you convinced that he will make himself available for the City game , which incidentally would have been totally irrelevant if we hadn't beaten Wolves , a match he chose to skip.

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