2020/21 James Rodriguez

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LOL - listen to yourselves, its almost like you're upset at how the season went and you're looking for someone to blame? He didn't even play the second half of the year, not exactly responsible for the crap performances at home is he? How bout getting upset at people who were actually on the pitch? Can you blame Eden Hazard for being injured, its 'frustrating' sure, but getting rid of Eden Hazard isn't actually going to solve the problem is it?

If James was actually NOT good, you wouldn't be all in a tissy moaning about it, but he's one of the best in the world when he's actually fit so that's why it hurts. I didn't hear about Delph, and yet he wasn't in the lineup against Wolves. I said the same thing in the Gbamin thread, the epitome of a sick note player, but its not like he broke his own knee just to sit at home and collect his wage.

And to all the people who want him to 'play through the pain', he did multiple times this season and then sat out for weeks afterwards. Surely if you can give Delph two years (who has played a grand total of 24 games for Everton according to Wikipedia) you can give James two years here.
Delph a waste of space. Yes you can moan about players on the pitch, being reluctant to actually get on it is not acceptable. Even the manager has not put a spin on it.
Very talented. Lacks the robustness required for PL which makes him something of a luxury player.
I am of belief that Everton needs to rip up everything and start again from scratch. I don’t think he’ll be long at Everton
Scoring goals isn't a luxury. You literally have to be able to do it.

It was a weird statement to make, blaming fatigue. Could have quite easily have said something along the lines of 'deep tissue injury' and no one would have batted an eyelid.
Fatigue just seems a little, provocative, especially with our fanbase.
The commentator on astro at the start said the word 'fatigued' in a sarcastic way or at the very least in italics. You could almost believe he was doing "air quotes" when he said it.
Delph a waste of space. Yes you can moan about players on the pitch, being reluctant to actually get on it is not acceptable. Even the manager has not put a spin on it.

It's pointless to argue that because James is never going to come out and say - yeah I'm actually not injured and just sunbaking at home. I just don't think any of our players would sit out if they are 100% fit. And I would be more concerned if they forced the issue and tried to play when they weren't fully fit, that would actually be very selfish of the player to do so and ruin the game just so he could play.

I'm not going to read into the manager's comments given he's pretty much defended players his entire coaching career, and then all of a sudden he says James is 'fatigued' and that's supposed to mean he's turned on the guy he brought to the club. Maybe he's a little frustrated as well, and let it slip, but I don't think he threw him under the bus. If he did maybe James won't be here next season. Let's see.
By the way are you convinced that he will make himself available for the City game , which incidentally would have been totally irrelevant if we hadn't beaten Wolves , a match he chose to skip.
honest question, did he not make himself available for the Wolves game, or was it Ancelotti's decision

I think fans who are grateful that a player like James deigns to grace us with his presence whenever he feels like it but can't be arsed , despite his huge salary to support his teammates when he feels a wee bit tired are far too easily satisfied.
The minimum that we should expect from these overpaid players is 100% commitment.
I don't think anyone disagrees with that but also, no one has any idea what's happening at training.
He got hooked against Sheffield, Ancelotti probably took a look at him in training and figured he looked tired and decided to give him a rest before the city game. A calculated risk.
I just don't think he's picking and choosing when to play for Everton out of laziness.
Ancelotti was talking about getting him fresh for next season, I’d be amazed if he’s in the squad for City.

The problem is, you can’t have any of your players phoning it in or slacking off, no matter how good they are, as it spreads - and these players love an excuse to drop their levels.
Copa America final is on the 10 July, if Colombia reach it we won't be seeing James play a PL game until September at the earliest
If he's out half every season, then this is EXACTLY what you DO NOT do!

You don’t build talent around him? You don’t improve the squad? You don’t give him options?

Logic, ease the expectancy on him, purchase other creative outlets and you’ll get more game time and more (and he already produces more than enough) from James.

Bring back Mark Pembridge he’d give you 38 games a season. Utter garbage, but plays a lot.

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