Agree with all of that.
If not already done so, Roy Eldridge, is well worth checking out.
Much underrated horn player.
Yeah I like him too.
Agree with all of that.
If not already done so, Roy Eldridge, is well worth checking out.
Much underrated horn player.
Ohhh yess they're back
For @coollino , @ste d' indica @LEONARD and anyboby else who enjoys a bit of jazz.
A modern(ish ) recording by a friend of mine John Burgess , a great sax player , playing here with Bill Coon a lovely guitarist from Vancouver.
Hope you like it.
Fabulous , thank you.@jazzy
here is a load of stuff off the NTS radio website, where i get a lot from. There is a lot of music on here, and it's not all jazz so you might find more stuff you like too
NTS | Don't Assume
NTS is a global radio platform broadcasting music from over 50 cities around the globe, live 24/
this is a monthly jazz show (which also has track listings:
Phil's Jazz Dis-Junction
Given all life leads to jazz we might as well take the scenic route. An uncanny hour of words and music from producer Phil Smith. Carefully formulated but never formulaic, an inclusive hour of the straight-ahead and the
here is a lot of shows which are tagged as 'jazz' in one way or another -[]=jazz
this is an jazz style mixtape they do which never ends and apparently never plays the same song twice:
Expansions - Infinite Mixtapes | Listen on NTS
Jazz and its many mind-expanding
they have a lot of other genre mixtapes too:
Infinite Mixtapes | Listen on NTS
Music-only themed radio streams, made from NTS resident and guest
but yeah, if you have a bit of time the website is certainly worth looking around. you might find loads of music you like on there which you may not know.
It could be worth downloaded an app for 'Shazam' for your phone too - if a song comes on and you don't know it, the app listens to the song and tells you it 9 times out of ten. it only works on songs on streaming services though, so if there is a show where they are playing rare records from 60's, 80's etc, it won't find them.
I also subscribe to this magazine, but they have plenty on their website too