He's a good stop gap, but I don't think he can be our number one going forward.
What howlers has he made everyone? I had this discussion with my RS mate during the derby when he came on
He was rubbing his hands together at the prospect of Joel coming on, and I said "why, what has he ever done wrong"
he replied "dunno he is just s*** isn't he?"
I said, I think he gets a bad rap coz he always has his mouth open, and therefore looks a bit stupid/soft, but that is it
He let in a wickedly swerving shot from Gaston Ramirez in one of his first games, but I cant remember him doing anything else majorly wrong
I don't know if I have tinted specs on just because I have always rated him, but I he is deffo looking the real deal since he started closing his gob!! haha
I think its a lot simpler than many think.
He likes to punch when he should catch. Sends people a little twitchy.
He's put on a bit of weight/muscle on I think and it's made a world of difference.
And not being trained by a Wigan goalkeeping coach.