Stephen. I consider myself a supporter of Everton FC. I have my own opinions on the club and the people who run it. I don't see why I should have to agree with the opinions of a certain group of posters on here and if that makes me a happy clapper(whatever that is) so be it.
I think this forum runs the risk of people being bullied into agreeing with an opinion because there may be an attempt to ridicule them if they don't and I THINK that doesn't work with me.
I have been expressing an opinion about our current manager which doesn't seem popular(I know you have specifically commented on it a few times) but it is a forum , I have a right to say what I feel and others have a right to comment on it.
Before I came to this forum several years ago I posted on Bluekipper and could see it's demise coming down the tracks.
When I came on here first what I was most impressed with was the tolerance to different opinions but unfortunately that certainly has slipped away in recent times.. much to my regret.
I come on here more for news than opinions as I find this forum having becoming very radical and intolerant , not accurately reflecting the majority of supporters viewpoints. But, I support the club , have done since about 1970, long before many on here were born and have followed owners, managers and players diligently since then , and I am a new hound and crave the stories and gossip that you sometimes glean on here.
I love the transfer gossip, the gossip about the new stadium and other bits and pieces you sometimes get on here.
For the record.
I don't have the problem with Sam Allyrdyce that others have, I think he has done what he was asked to do and if he stays next season I believe we will have solid season. I don't believe he is the man to bring us forward, but when he is replaced I want it to be with a manager that can make us great. I cannot count the number of managers I have seen come and go. I want the next one to make a statement to the world of football and it seems that we now are paying the money to make that happen. I don't want a manager anymore that may be great but will probably be useless.
Bill Kenwright . I have always believed he did a good job while in charge after taking over a basket case of a club ... but, he never had the finances to ever ever put us in a place where we could be a top team... he did however get the club to a position where we could get an owner who has wealth and wealthy contacts. Bill could never afford a stadium and depended on others to provide it and was not able to do so. Certainly, he made mistakes.. most people do.
Moshiri , I hope he has learned that in football just throwing money at a problem doesn't always solve it. I think he is ambitious and wants to make the club great.. and make pots of money for himself. We need a new stadium, we need the right manager and without those it will just be so much more of what I have seen in so many years s a supporter.