Minute in. Was actually spoken about on here quite a bit when it happened, I'm surprised you missed it. He also went down the tunnel with 10 minutes to go when the third sub was made and it wasn't him.
A face on, LOL.
Oh God.
Minute in. Was actually spoken about on here quite a bit when it happened, I'm surprised you missed it. He also went down the tunnel with 10 minutes to go when the third sub was made and it wasn't him.
A face on, LOL.
Oh God.
Minute in. Was actually spoken about on here quite a bit when it happened, I'm surprised you missed it. He also went down the tunnel with 10 minutes to go when the third sub was made and it wasn't him.
So would you suggest that Mirallas actually has a good attitude then and plays for the club rather than for himself? That's the only argument I'm making here.
Minute in. Was actually spoken about on here quite a bit when it happened, I'm surprised you missed it. He also went down the tunnel with 10 minutes to go when the third sub was made and it wasn't him.
I look forward to your post in the Joel thread stating he has an attitude problem
We were smacking them from pillar to post, one way traffic. No sub was needed as it would have impacted the momentum of the game.