Better than The Last Jedi, but that’s like saying a Cold is better than Aids.
Dreadful colour grading. I don’t know who made that stylistic choice, but the contrast was shockingly bad.
L337 was a horrible, horrible character and Lando having a sexual relationship with it is terrible.
This film never needed to be made. Han didn’t need an origin story.
The good bits - as a stand alone film, it is decent enough, though too weak as a SW film.
The guy who played Han did a good job. He was never going to be as good as Ford, but he carried the movie well.
Emilia Clarke’s character was actually pretty good. Her story is interesting (being caught up with a ruthless mafia etc), and I thought Clarke was really good as a sexy and vulnerable Qira. I haven’t seen her in many things, but I thought her acting was good in this.
All-in-all, it was an unnecessary film, not a patch on the excellent Rogue One, but still has interesting threads that are infinitely more interesting than the sequel trilogy.