You'd think a three hour close up of Ryan Gosling would be money well spent at the cinema, but it wasn't.
First Man is the story of a 1960's version of probably the guy from "Drive"'s dad. I could see one of his blonde kids in the film growing up to be the dead moody tattooed getaway driver because he grew up in a house where his Dad was more interested in going to the Moon than playing catch.
I enjoyed the grainy cinematography and The Queen is very good with her pixie hair, nice teeth and vivid eyes. What the film lacks though, is a rounded look at the life of the iconic Neil Armstrong. This one is told through a distinct prism of his perspective from ending life as a test pilot to moon landing. About 8 years of his 82. It works in the rattling cage of death where you'll be spinning and vibrating out of your seat as his X-15 bounces off the atmosphere, but on the whole it actually tells you really nothing about the man. That a tragedy would drive his lunar aspirations is one thing, but the whole story before and after that goes untouched.
There's your usual astronauts having a BBQ looking at the stars trope. There's your wives and absent husbands, children without father figures trope. Tick. Theres your gnarly Nasa bosses. Tick. Theres your Mission Control room suspense followed by your 'we just saved the mission' whooping and back slapping. Tick.
You could just really watch 'The Right Stuff' or 'Apollo 13', as First Man tries to play one string, as opposed to trying a much more complicated arrangement.
2 out of 5 eyes that are too close together.