I am well aware - it's just that the movie itself is fantastic art, but that doesn't always translate to a fantastic film, hence my score. Which is obviously how I rate it, not how it should be or is in general.
It tries to mix magic and real life, kinda does it well, kinda doesn't, for some segments it's just a bit too over the top/trippy. The end scene is just weird, there's a lot of screaming in general. Beasts and symbolism galore. They mixed up some runes regarding years and all that, but that's negligible. It's definitely a unique take in a time where most of those have gone the same route - it represents belief systems and the life back then a lot better than anything else.
BTW, I read somewhere they tried to make people look authentic with clothing and hairstyles, but because basically the bowl cut would've been prevalent - the directors looked at a bunch of people with those and went "nah, this looks dumb, just go with the more cliche'd ones" lol
Honestly, recommend to watch it to anyone who hasn't, but it's not exactly a typical entertainment film, more of an appreciator's piece.