deconstructed rep
Tarantino's finest work.Double up on Kill Bill.
Tarantino's finest work.Double up on Kill Bill.
John Carpenter has made some belters.Saw they're bringing back The Thing to cinemas next month to celebrate it's 40th Anniversary.
Obviously had to watch it. Still an absolute stormer of a film. Hate to sound cliché, but they really don't make horror/sci fi like that anymore. Defo in my top 10.
John Carpenter has made some belters.
He did a lot of his own music composing, although they stink of the 70s/80s theyre all the better for it. Iconic. A number one!Absolutely, even his really cheesy ones like Ghosts of Mars. Guilty pleasure that one.
It's the practical fx that make those films special even 40 years later. CGI just doesn't cut it. See also 1986's The Fly, The Howling, American Werewolf in London, The Cage, Critters, Gremlins and many more.Hate to sound cliché, but they really don't make horror/sci fi like that anymore.
He did a lot of his own music composing, although they stink of the 70s/80s theyre all the better for it. Iconic. A number one!
Had to name check Jim Henson for star wars, empire and jedi and of course Labyrinth.It's the practical fx that make those films special even 40 years later. CGI just doesn't cut it. See also 1986's The Fly, The Howling, American Werewolf in London, The Cage, Critters, Gremlins and many more.
well-made Practical FX are tangible...you can sense they're really there. With CGI i just feel like i'm watching a cartoon or computer-game cut-scene...not necessarily bad, can even be very good and effective. But practical-fx is where the really masterful work is done.
Another reason why these moody 80's creature-horror films are superior is pacing, dialogue, music and characters. Modern movies pack a ton of relationship baggage into the characters, have overblown formulaic orchestral scores, cringy shouty unlikeable dialogue and rush through scenes.
i'm a sucker for 70's synth musik...i wish more modern films used electronic scores.
Yoda looked great, much prefer puppet yoda to the computer-graphic one.Had to name check Jim Henson for star wars, empire and jedi and of course Labyrinth.
It was a kids bedroom in partYoda looked great, much prefer puppet yoda to the computer-graphic one.
But Labyrinth was a little too puppety, looks like a kids' bedroom at times lol
Great err lesbian scene lol,it is a decent filmWild Things.
Still a guilty pleasure.
Saw on the TV guide this was coming up.Saw they're bringing back The Thing to cinemas next month to celebrate it's 40th Anniversary.
Obviously had to watch it. Still an absolute stormer of a film. Hate to sound cliché, but they really don't make horror/sci fi like that anymore. Defo in my top 10.