This feels like a Disney movie with dinosaurs, and that's not a compliment.
The movie has zero stakes, every aspect of this film (that doesn't include Sam Neill, Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum) is utterly charmless and tensionless. I hate Bryce Dallas Howard, Chris Pratt and all the other characters that was introduced in the new trilogy.
Of course, just as expected, not one character of note dies in this movie. It's filled with last second saves and bombastic action, and it completely lacks the magic and mystique of the original (and even JP2 and 3). It's also completely predictable from start to end, and the homages to the original just worked as a reminder of how much better movies were 29 years ago.
I loved seeing Sam MFing Neill (my favorite actor), Jeff Goldblum and Laura Dern back though, and they earned the movie a point extra each in my rating. You do the math. The original Jurassic Park was my introduction to film and it's still to this day one of my favorites. I adore Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler and Ian Malcolm.
But back to 2022:
There's so much stupid stuff going on in this film, and to me it doesn't feel like a Jurassic Park movie whatsoever. This is soulless disney action with zero logic and they clearly expect the audience to be brainless as well.
A plane crashes on an ice covered lake. The ice doesn't break. Pratt and Howard walks across the same ice covered lake - the ice starts breaking due to their weight. [Poor language removed].
A deer can't hear a T-Rex strolling around just meters away from it. Clearly the film makers have never gone hunting - or even been in a forest - before.
The chopper lady doesn't spot the brachiosaurus that's strolling around in her landing zone until she's like ten meters away from it.
Wasn't the T-Rex vs superdino fight the ending to the first Jurassic World movie? This was literally a copy.
Like I mentioned earlier - not ONE character (that wasn't a villain) got eaten in this film.
It also frustrates me how certain characters (usually female) just casually walks around like "badasses" to grab guns while raptors or bigger predators are attacking with full force, clearly not feeling a single shread of fear. It's stupid and makes the dinos seem like no threat at all. One single raptor in Jurassic Park felt like a bigger threat than every single dino in this film combined.
And wouldn't it be nice if Alan Grant and Ellie Sattler knew in Jurassic Park (the original), that all they had to do to stop the T-Rex or the raptors from attacking was to raise their palms in a calming fashion?
The threat of the dinos (and especially the raptors who, believe it or not, ATE PEOPLE IN THE FIRST FILM) were what made the original so damn exciting and tense. The dinosaurs were the main villains and they were a LOT more interesting than the bland human bad guys in this trilogy.
There's not a single scene in this movie (trilogy) that's even close to the greatness of the "long grass" scene in The Lost World. Not even close (those raptors were frightening.
After every singel installment of this trilogy, I can't help but mention - the dinosaurs looked far better in the original 1993(!!!) film.
Oh and I wouldn't mind if I never had to see Bryce Dallas Howard in a movie again. What a bland, soulless performance, and her face is annoying. They also tried to make the reunion of the "family" emotional, when not a single one of them had been able to make me care about them one bit in three movies. I almost couldn't watch the screen because I hated it so much.
Every time they went for comedy (which was far too often) it fell flat on it's face, and several of the minor characters (including the main ones from the new trilogy) were whiny and unlikeable.
Sam Neill, Jeff Goldblum and Laura Dern saves this from a half-star rating.
I know I'm probably taking this way too seriously, but like I said: I grew up worshipping the first two Jurassic Park movies, and this one feels like they ripped the soul out of the original and sent it through the Disney mass production machine.
Sorry about the wall of text, but I had to get this off my chest. Now I'm going to go watch the original.