Accidentally put it on about half hour in, turned straight off as I don’t fancy bad dreams for the next week! That movie should carry a mental health warning.
It's a bit odd watching it so many years later. It's lost a fair bit of it's punch. Maybe I've gotten older and more cynical and apathetic. I was glad when the snot nosed little skid mark copped his early doors. I found so many rather annoying.
There was '28 days later', and both 'the killing fields' and 'the terminator' but they were both released the same year in 1984 with 'threads'. We've had so many end of civilisation films in one shape or form, and the hysteria of the Cuban missile crisis as back drop, 'war of the worlds', 'children of men', 'the road', 'snowpiercer', I saw the rats part in this and thought of 'demolition man'. Didn't quite stretch into the realms of 'Mad Max' but could see how it could.
Strangely getting ideas of how the ideal of 'animal farm' gets twisted and turns nightmare.
The pics clearly not from britain were telling, I think they were lifted from real life (real aftermath) probably from Japan. Explosion, heat, fallout, disease, starvation, has actually been done, it's happened, vermin and virus and darkness followed and a shuttling back in time to pain and suffering and toil actually was inflicted.
It's different viewing now after* the cold war and the end of soviet strangulation. Though the timing is a worry with the weaponry threats escalating in the middle east.
Might throw 'the green mile' on to lift my spirits and carry me off to sleep in a happy daze.