A dystopian future. The increased use of adblock and swearing reaches critical mass, leaving the GOT mods presiding over a crumbling infrastructure. In their desperation, the posters turn to someone they don't completely understand. A man named Chicoazul gets elected mod and quickly starts clamping down on wools and dayshift posters. His match previews have to be greeted with unanimous praise and those who dissent are quickly smashed out of existence with the banhammer.
Mad with power, Chico exiles Groucho, Woolly and Roydo, brings Bruce Wayne under his sphere of influence with incriminating photos and gradually starts replacing the mods with a clique which includes Lieutenant Bungle, his deviant secret policeman and Walken, High Priest of the Anti-Osmanites. This cabinet of nightmares enact the dreaded Night of the Long Snides, where wools, POP advocates and Pro-Osman partisans are bullied relentlessly for their views and start disappearing from the forum en masse.
I haven't worked it out beyond that. Maybe Groucho has to organize a resistance movement of some sort. I imagine myself, Sapie and Layne would cameo as some sort of black market forger group, getting rich off photoshopping new non-wool passes and membership cards for persecuted refugees who want to stay in the system. Davek would be leader of some sort of belligerent internal resistance movement that doesn't like anybody.