A little catch up on the films I've watched recently. All weirdly 2 90's ones.
The Bodyguard (1992)
One of her faves as she's a bit of a Whitney nut.
Meh it's ok I suppose. Costner plays Costner. Whitney plays herself.
Can see why it was popular at the time.
2.5 Championship Belts out of 5
Wayne's World 2 (1993 I think)
First one is better without question but some cracking one liners in here
'Can I be frank with you?'
'Sure, can I still be Garth?' Hahahahahaha
3.5 Championship Belts out of 5
The Untouchables (1987)
Boss. May I put forward the argument forward that this is Kevin Costner's best movie?
I'm probably biased as Chicago, Capone and the prohibition era is a period I find fascinating.
Either way. Good movie.
4 Championship Belts out of 5