Based on a "Young adult" book series so the whole plotline is a cliché tbf. Futuristic distopia, seemingly normal kid ends up saving the world, etc. Still think Jennifer lawrence best acting was in winters bone
Hate the 'typical Hollywood' film line. As if it's a bad thing.
Is a bit of a silly statement,Hollywood has produced almost all great films,I think people are really having a go at the laziness there seems to be there lately,a lot of films are just remakes and not very good ones at that,then the attitude of "oh cast a big name and the script won't matter as much"
I'm not anti Hollywood, but that is simply not the case (imo).
Typical Hollywood is mostly very damaging to the art of film. Since about 15-20 years now there's been a much larger focus on money-making blockbuster fare which dumbs down its audience, slowly eroding the mighty (and back then justified) influence Hollywood had. Hunger Games is the latest in unoriginal franchise concepts which don't seek to further the art of film in any way, and arguably degrades culture.
I used the blanket-term 'typical Hollywood' for Hunger Games in the way they set up the story: the camera lingers on secondary characters that will inevitably get more airtime: the bad boy is signalled as being the last one to kill right at the start, the young girl ally gets to have her final words because the camera long announced her significance. Overlong overlingering camera, musical cues and 2-dimensional characterisation instructs the audience how to feel about characters and what to expect of their fates.
That is
typical Hollywood and it's boring because once you've seen one you've seen them all: the well-made ones can still be enjoyable (Harry Potters, Lord of the Rings etc) but there's tons of dross which all follow the same formula: all those crappy superhero movies are especially guilty of ruining Hollywood's name.
As coollino implies, world cinema offers the more discerning viewer many different ways to tell a story.
If we stick to our current era (since year 2000) you could define a lot of the films critics & film buffs generally recognise as the best films of the 00's as
atypical Hollywood: There Will Be Blood, No Country for Old Men, Mulholland Drive etc.
For dystopic sci-fi of the 00's, we'll be talking about Children of Men long after culture has dismissed Hunger Games. Which one was typical Hollywood and which was one was atypical?
Is the
typical factor the main reason why the product doesn't much rate as a work of art?
Yes, it is.