I think it's poor, tbh, and here's my reasoning. Firstly, is the historical inaccuracies - I've read the book and Kyle was basically a xenophobic psychopath, a fact the movie ignores. Second is how horribly American-centric it is. Bradley Cooper is the infallable hero, while the 'enemy' sniper who basically did the same job as him is a mindless savage... There's no moral questioning of the wars at all. In fact Eastwood basically presents as fact that they're justified. All of this sat badly with me.
But even if you sidestep all that for whatever reason, it's a bog standard war movie with all the usual cliches - there's nothing new or fresh in it. It's not terrible but it's not good. There's no depth in the script - most of the family scenes are mawkish and lacking in credibility. The characters are one-dimensional at best, xenophobic stereotypes at worst. The battle scenes are nicely shot - tense and exhilerating - but beyond that there's nothing of interest to me in this film. I could almost get as much gratification watching someone play Call of Duty.
If it had focused on the chequered nature of Kyle's personality instead of venerating him, it would've been a better film.