Four films I've seen lately.
The Big Short (2015)
It's three of America's and One of Britain's biggest names taking on America's biggest con. It's own financial system. I've watched it, and I'm sitting here and now trying to understand what it was I watched. Have I been conned? I don't know. The premise that is presented in the advertisements, the tag-lines and the marketing, the very fundamental image of 'taking on the big banks for their greed and lack of foresight' isn't entirely accurate. Maybe it is. Maybe I've read this wrong. Am I programmed to only accept The Light beating The Dark? It's almost as if this is a film which contends to harmonise with the terrible situation the world found themselves in, and yet does it care? Our protagonists except Carrell and Gosling don't know each other, which is a shock. They've heard of Bale, because he does it first, but the rest are unrelated to each other and that's actually very boring. All they want to do is profit from the monumental failure that's about to occur. It's a film bemoaning the financial meltdown which destroys millions of lives, yet at it's heart four Gordon Geckos manouver their poor clients investments into a the riskiest scheme ever devised to make money off this. Alot of money. Is this the World? Is the bleeding heart that much closer to death and that functioning capitalism is the machine which we should worship first and foremost? Is survival of the fittest a mantra we can't dare look at in our own society? Should we throw malformed babies into the dark apothetae from the summit of Mount Taygetos with carefree abandon? IS THIS SPARTA? Maybe it is, but this film left me uncomfortable. Dark. Depressing. There's alot to digest here, and it left me in a strange place.