I guess that means there's 81 hipsters supporting Everton in San Diego then. I spoke to a lot of them and they are fans for different reasons. Many due to Howard, McBride, Donovan and Joe Max Moore. But others because they've done their research and like the club's history. Don't sell some American Blues short.
I've converted my girlfriend and her parents to EFC. I run into Evertonians at Shakespeare's pub on matchday, and only about a third of them usually are expats from the UK.
Go to and you'll see that Everton's gained a lot of admirers and "casuals" who enjoy watching Everton's style. One of the most popular posts on that subreddit in the last two weeks was this rumor one: that had 92% upvotes on an online group that has over 400,000 members.
I wear my Jersey every Friday for casual fridays to Work and on trips - I've been stopped countless times by people who just want to talk "soccer" and ask about my affiliation with the club.
The fact is we don't choose EFC, the club chooses us. Now ownership just needs to do a better job of choosing more fans in big markets like the US who are just waiting to be tapped. Awareness in the US is growing about Everton, now imagine if ownership can throw gasoline on the spark and curiosity with some effective marketing and distribution.