Ric Wee fan club member 2014
Glass houses......
Glass houses......
They are beyond a joke because they don't follow your way of thinking, in other words ?.
bang on the money mate. for the life of me i cant fathom the mileage gained from whittering on about `our best players will all leave` ITS SPECULATION FFS. can you explain why its worth bothering with
bang on the money mate. for the life of me i cant fathom the mileage gained from whittering on about `our best players will all leave` ITS SPECULATION FFS. can you explain why its worth bothering with
Have to say think your a joke neg repping someone just for posting his view, just because you dont agree with him (neither do I) that doesnt mean he's wrong.
I dont think he was agreeing with you there mate.
......................erm. thats what the reps for `i approve` or `i disapprove` duh! i s`pose the irony of a thread about journalists `winding up evertonians` went over bluebloods head as he was posting to wind up fellow evertonians
Its a forum you fool people always disagree with eachother, the neg rep is if you think some one is out of line, spamming or something in that context.
Or people like you and your bum boy del mar.
Lad to be honest i was just arseing about with yer
Twice without reason?
Plus I would of respected it if you put your name on it.
Lad im sure it was 1 time if it wasent then that was a gen mistake on my part, but like i said i was being a bit of a tit pissing about
Ok sound mate, the other one was when I said something about kenwright.